Treat ADHD,Right at Home

Build a wonderful future for your child with personalized, digital Parent Child Interaction Therapy

Child - ADHD Care - Image 1 - Parents - Daughter

Why PCIT Therapy?

At Wonderwork, through Parent Child Interaction Therapy, we work with each parent to strengthen their relationship with their child and build their confidence and ability to effectively guide and direct their child’s behavior, set limits, calmly discipline, and restore positive feelings to their interactions. PCIT treats the parent, the child and most importantly their interactions. Families change one interaction at a time!

Also, PCIT is regarded by national expert panels as a gold standard treatment for ADHD because for most families:
- it works (50+ years of research showing huge gains)
- the gains last over time
- the gains generalize to school settings
- it includes all the key elements found by the CDC to be essential in helping parents with disruptive kids

ADHD Care, Made Better

Schedule a Free Consultation

How it works

Here’s what to expect when you get started:

  • Simply provide us with some details about your child to help us understand your child's unique needs.

  • Discuss your questions with our team. We’ll help you understand how our program will work for your family.

  • Your Comprehensive Program Includes

    - Guided Group Interactions - To help you learn new behavior strategies to manage your child’s ADHD

    - Tailored Education Content - To help you understand key challenges that you and your child face

    - Interactive Tasks - To implement the strategies that you learn each week

    - Peer Support Network - For motivation, encouragement, advice, and support as you go along

    - One-On-One Care Team Sessions - To address your questions and concerns (2).gif


 Life-Changing Results

Learn New Skills

Learn effective tools that help you strengthens the relationship between you and your child.

Improve Behaviour, Self-Control, and Self Esteem

We focus on behavior that cause problems. With our program, you’ll see improvements in child behavior across all domains, with the largest improvements in terms of overall impairment, parent-child relationship, and impact of child behavior on the family.

Parent with purpose and warmth.

Learn skills that help you focus on your child's strengths and positive qualities.

Wonderwork Is Backed by World-Class Clinicians

Dr Jason F Jent, PhD

Dr. Melanie M Nelson, PhD

Dr. Reesa Donnelly, PhD